



to my homepage,

I'll write here all I know or find out.

At the moment there will be things about M$ Windows, Arch Linux, bash-scripting, batch-scripting and some programs I'm using like murmur.

All hints presented here are tested by myself but I don't give a warranty of the functionality on each system.

For questions about these sites you can send me an e-mail lord-weber-andrwe <at> andrwe <dot> org

121e Android Jolla Linux multiboot usb-stick Midori SFTP SSL-Cert access adblock angua arch avira avnotify-block bash bashsmb batch blog blogtng bluetooth citrix completion arch-daemon createfiles ddns design design change dhcp emerge filetransfer firefox fonic ftp getmac gv4alw how-to internal modem irssi keynav lighttpd linux maemo makerepopkg microsoft mount move to sd-card murmur n900 nbtstat ncat netcfg nvidia pagemove palava powersaving privoxy pure-ftpd python repository roundcube rrdcached rrdtool ruby samba scripting set own password ssh keygen systemd theme thinkpad transmission tuxcmd udev umts upcheck upgrade vimnav xml xp

New Entries

  • | Summary This script can be used to ch… (Tags: )

  • | Summary I'm using smbnetfs to browse … (Tags: )

  • Mumble | Mumble Summary :!: Due to version 1.2.x of Murm… (Tags: )

  • | Summary Script to build Arch Linu… (Tags: )

  • | Summary This script creates .file… (Tags: )

  • Nice XML with Python | Nice XML with Python The following code generates… (Tags: )

  • ftp-automount | ftp-automount Summary :!: Because of losing int… (Tags: )

  • Mumble | Mumble Summary :!: Due to version 1.2.x of Murm… (Tags: )

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    start.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/10/27 17:31 von Andrwe Lord Weber